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Try to change your life from sadness to being happy
Aimee Nelson Photography specializes in maternity, newborn and babies first year. Located in Jupiter, Florida servicing Palm Beach and Martin counties.
MED et al, Inc, has developed a solution that guarantees an end to thumb and finger sucking. Our product has helped Dentists, Pediatricians, and Parents stop the harmful habit of thumb sucking and finger sucking, in a safe, fun, and FDA approved way. We are proud to produce our product right here in the USA, and strive to provide our customers the best in customer service and quality. Try TGuard ThumbGuard or FingerGuard today, and let it help your child stop thumb or finger sucking guaranteed!
Joel Conrad is a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy specialist offering private mental wellness therapy in Wiltshire UK. Joel is an experienced therapist, mental health clinician and CBT specialist. The key process in CBT is known as "guided discovery", wherein the client learns to respond to life's challenges in a more effective way.
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We are an Independent, Fundamental, Bible-Believing, KJV only, separated Baptist Church in Willits, California. Our Pastor, Tim Johnson, has a vision for Mendocino County. Win it for Christ! We can get the gospel out and make a difference in our part of the country. Revival is happening, come and join it!
Remember that awesome old tire swing your Dad hung out back when you were little? The Ring Swing is a fresh new twist on that classic childhood memory. Handcrafted from real tires, we're having fun and helping our planet!
Personal blog - Catharsis | Not the average mommy blog. Showcases frequently humorous, sometimes controversial, and always heartfelt commentary on everything from parenting to entertainment. Includes information about pediatric stroke and relevant causes, something the owner's son suffered in utero.
Fundación Paso-a-Paso es una organización venezolana, sin fines de lucro y no gubernamental, dedicada a brindar apoyo, información y contención a la persona con discapacidad y su familia desde 1991. - Informamos y orientamos... - Formamos y educamos... - Sensibilizamos... - Recreamos y motivamos... Únete a nuestros pasos... Paso-a-Paso Haciendo camino juntos...